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In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Django AI Assistant to supercharge your Django project with LLM capabilities.


Make sure you properly configured Django AI Assistant as described in the Get Started guide.

Setting up API keys

The tutorial below uses OpenAI's gpt-4o model, so make sure you have OPENAI_API_KEY set as an environment variable for your Django project. You can also use other models, keep reading to learn more. Just make sure their keys are properly set.


An easy way to set environment variables is to use a .env file in your project's root directory and use python-dotenv to load them. Our example project uses this approach.

What AI Assistants can do

AI Assistants are LLMs that can answer to user queries as ChatGPT does, i.e. inputting and outputting strings. But when integrated with Django, they can also do anything a Django view can, such as accessing the database, checking permissions, sending emails, downloading and uploading media files, etc. This is possible by defining "tools" the AI can use. These tools are methods in an AI Assistant class on the Django side.

Defining an AI Assistant


To create an AI Assistant, you need to:

  1. Create an file;
  2. Define a class that inherits from AIAssistant;
  3. Provide an id, a name, some instructions for the LLM (a system prompt), and a model name:
from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant

class WeatherAIAssistant(AIAssistant):
    id = "weather_assistant"
    name = "Weather Assistant"
    instructions = "You are a weather bot."
    model = "gpt-4o"

Defining tools

Useful tools give abilities the LLM doesn't have out-of-the-box, such as getting the current date and finding the current weather by calling an API.

Use the @method_tool decorator to define a tool method in the AI Assistant:

from django.utils import timezone
from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant, method_tool
import json

class WeatherAIAssistant(AIAssistant):
    id = "weather_assistant"
    name = "Weather Assistant"
    instructions = "You are a weather bot."
    model = "gpt-4o"

    def get_instructions(self):
        return f"{self.instructions} Today is {}."

    def get_weather(self, location: str) -> str:
        """Fetch the current weather data for a location"""
        return json.dumps({
            "location": location,
            "temperature": "25°C",
            "weather": "sunny"
        })  # imagine some weather API here, this is just a placeholder

The get_weather method is a tool that the AI Assistant can use to get the current weather for a location, when the user asks for it. The tool method must be fully type-hinted (all parameters and return value), and it must include a descriptive docstring. This is necessary for the LLM model to understand the tool's purpose.

A conversation with this Weather Assistant looks like this:

User: What's the weather in New York City?
AI: The weather in NYC is sunny with a temperature of 25°C.


State of the art models such as gpt-4o can process JSON well. You can return a json.dumps(api_output) from a tool method and the model will be able to process it before responding the user.

Tool parameters

It's possible to define more complex parameters for tools. As long as they're JSON serializable, the underlying LLM model should be able to call tools with the right arguments.

In the MovieRecommendationAIAssistant from the example project, we have a reorder_backlog tool method that receives a list of IMDb URLs that represent the user's movie backlog order. Note the Sequence[str] parameter:

from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant, method_tool

class MovieRecommendationAIAssistant(AIAssistant):

    def reorder_backlog(self, imdb_url_list: Sequence[str]) -> str:
        """Reorder movies in user's backlog."""

In WeatherAIAssistant, another assistant from the example project, we have a fetch_forecast_weather method tool with a args_schema parameter that defines a JSON schema for the tool arguments:

from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant, method_tool, BaseModel, Field

class WeatherAIAssistant(AIAssistant):

    class FetchForecastWeatherInput(BaseModel):
        location: str = Field(description="Location to fetch the forecast weather for")
        forecast_date: date = Field(description="Date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'")

    def fetch_forecast_weather(self, location, forecast_date) -> dict:
        """Fetch the forecast weather data for a location"""
        # forecast_date is a `date` object here


It's important to provide a description for each field from args_schema. This improves the LLM's understanding of the tool's arguments.

Using Django logic in tools

You have access to the current request user in tools:

from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant, method_tool

class PersonalAIAssistant(AIAssistant):
    id = "personal_assistant"
    name = "Personal Assistant"
    instructions = "You are a personal assistant."
    model = "gpt-4o"

    def get_current_user_username(self) -> str:
        """Get the username of the current user"""
        return self._user.username

You can also add any Django logic to tools, such as querying the database:

from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant, method_tool
import json

class IssueManagementAIAssistant(AIAssistant):
    id = "issue_mgmt_assistant"
    name = "Issue Management Assistant"
    instructions = "You are an issue management bot."
    model = "gpt-4o"

    def get_current_user_assigned_issues(self) -> str:
        """Get the issues assigned to the current user"""
        return json.dumps({
            "issues": list(Issue.objects.filter(assignee=self._user).values())


Make sure you only return to the LLM what the user can see, considering permissions and privacy. Code the tools as if they were Django views.

Using pre-implemented tools

Django AI Assistant works with any LangChain-compatible tool. Just override the get_tools method in your AI Assistant class to include the tools you want to use.

For example, you can use the TavilySearch tool to provide your AI Assistant with the ability to search the web for information about upcoming movies.

First install dependencies:

pip install -U langchain-community tavily-python

Then, set the TAVILY_API_KEY environment variable. You'll need to sign up at Tavily.

Finally, add the tool to your AI Assistant class by overriding the get_tools method:

from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant
from import TavilySearchResults

class MovieSearchAIAssistant(AIAssistant):
    id = "movie_search_assistant"  # noqa: A003
    instructions = (
        "You're a helpful movie search assistant. "
        "Help the user find more information about movies. "
        "Use the provided tools to search the web for upcoming movies. "
    name = "Movie Search Assistant"
    model = "gpt-4o"

    def get_instructions(self):
        return f"{self.instructions} Today is {}."

    def get_tools(self):
        return [


As of now, Django AI Assistant is powered by LangChain, but previous knowledge on LangChain is NOT necessary to use this library, at least for the main use cases.

Using an AI Assistant

Manually calling an AI Assistant

You can manually call an AI Assistant from anywhere in your Django application:

from myapp.ai_assistants import WeatherAIAssistant

assistant = WeatherAIAssistant()
output ="What's the weather in New York City?")
assert output == "The weather in NYC is sunny with a temperature of 25°C."

The constructor of AIAssistant receives user, request, view as optional parameters, which can be used in the tools with self._user, self._request, self._view. Also, any extra parameters passed in constructor are stored at self._init_kwargs.

Threads of Messages

The django-ai-assistant app provides two models Thread and Message to store and retrieve conversations with AI Assistants. LLMs are stateless by design, meaning they don't hold any context between calls. All they know is the current input. But by using the AIAssistant class, the conversation state is stored in the database as multiple Message of a Thread, and automatically retrieved then passed to the LLM when calling the AI Assistant.

To create a Thread, you can use a helper from the django_ai_assistant.use_cases module. For example:

from django_ai_assistant.use_cases import create_thread, get_thread_messages
from myapp.ai_assistants import WeatherAIAssistant

thread = create_thread(name="Weather Chat", user=user)
assistant = WeatherAIAssistant()"What's the weather in New York City?",

messages = get_thread_messages(thread=thread, user=user)  # returns both user and AI messages

More CRUD helpers are available at django_ai_assistant.use_cases module. Check the Reference for more information.

Using built-in API views

You can use the built-in API views to interact with AI Assistants via HTTP requests from any frontend, such as a React application or a mobile app. Add the following to your Django project's

from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
    path("ai-assistant/", include("django_ai_assistant.urls")),

The built-in API supports retrieval of Assistants info, as well as CRUD for Threads and Messages. It has a OpenAPI schema that you can explore at http://localhost:8000/ai-assistant/docs, when running your project locally.

Configuring the API

The built-in API is implemented using Django Ninja. By default, it is initialized with the following setting:

AI_ASSISTANT_INIT_API_FN = "django_ai_assistant.api.views.init_api"

You can override this setting in your Django project's to customize the API, such as using a different authentication method or modifying other configurations.

The method signature for AI_ASSISTANT_INIT_API_FN is as follows:

from ninja import NinjaAPI

def init_api():
    return NinjaAPI(...)

By providing your own implementation of init_api, you can tailor the API setup to better fit your project's requirements.

Configuring permissions

The API uses the helpers from the django_ai_assistant.use_cases module, which have permission checks to ensure the user can use a certain AI Assistant or do CRUD on Threads and Messages.

By default, any authenticated user can use any AI Assistant, and create a thread. Users can manage both their own threads and the messages on them. Therefore, the default permissions are:

AI_ASSISTANT_CAN_CREATE_THREAD_FN = "django_ai_assistant.permissions.allow_all"
AI_ASSISTANT_CAN_VIEW_THREAD_FN = "django_ai_assistant.permissions.owns_thread"
AI_ASSISTANT_CAN_UPDATE_THREAD_FN = "django_ai_assistant.permissions.owns_thread"
AI_ASSISTANT_CAN_DELETE_THREAD_FN = "django_ai_assistant.permissions.owns_thread"
AI_ASSISTANT_CAN_CREATE_MESSAGE_FN = "django_ai_assistant.permissions.owns_thread"
AI_ASSISTANT_CAN_UPDATE_MESSAGE_FN = "django_ai_assistant.permissions.owns_thread"
AI_ASSISTANT_CAN_DELETE_MESSAGE_FN = "django_ai_assistant.permissions.owns_thread"
AI_ASSISTANT_CAN_RUN_ASSISTANT = "django_ai_assistant.permissions.allow_all"

You can override these settings in your Django project's to customize the permissions.

Thread permission signatures look like this:

from django_ai_assistant.models import Thread
from django.http import HttpRequest

def check_custom_thread_permission(
        thread: Thread,
        user: Any,
        request: HttpRequest | None = None) -> bool:
    return ...

While Message permission signatures look like this:

from django_ai_assistant.models import Thread, Message
from django.http import HttpRequest

def check_custom_message_permission(
        message: Message,
        thread: Thread,
        user: Any,
        request: HttpRequest | None = None) -> bool:
    return ...

Frontend integration

You can integrate Django AI Assistant with frontend frameworks like React or Vue.js. Please check the frontend documentation.

If you want to use traditional Django templates, you can try using HTMX to avoid page refreshes. Check the example project, it includes a HTMX application.

Advanced usage

Using other AI models

By default the supported models are OpenAI ones, but you can use any chat model from Langchain that supports Tool Calling by overriding get_llm:

from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant
from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic

class WeatherAIAssistant(AIAssistant):
    id = "weather_assistant"
    name = "Weather Assistant"
    instructions = "You are a weather bot."
    model = "claude-3-opus-20240229"

    def get_llm(self):
        model = self.get_model()
        temperature = self.get_temperature()
        model_kwargs = self.get_model_kwargs()
        return ChatAnthropic(

Composing AI Assistants

One AI Assistant can call another AI Assistant as a tool. This is useful for composing complex AI Assistants. Use the as_tool method for that:

class SimpleAssistant(AIAssistant):

class AnotherSimpleAssistant(AIAssistant):

class ComplexAssistant(AIAssistant):

    def get_tools(self) -> Sequence[BaseTool]:
        return [
                description="Tool to <...add a meaningful description here...>"),
                description="Tool to <...add a meaningful description here...>"),

The movies/ file in the example project shows an example of a composed AI Assistant that's able to recommend movies and manage the user's movie backlog.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

You can use RAG in your AI Assistants. RAG means using a retriever to fetch chunks of textual data from a pre-existing DB to give context to the LLM. This context goes into the {context} placeholder in the instructions string, namely the system prompt. This means the LLM will have access to a context your retriever logic provides when generating the response, thereby improving the quality of the response by avoiding generic or off-topic answers.

For this to work, your must do the following in your AI Assistant:

  1. Add a {context} placeholder in the instructions string;
  2. Add has_rag = True as a class attribute;
  3. Override the get_retriever method to return a Langchain Retriever.

For example:

from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant

class DocsAssistant(AIAssistant):
    id = "docs_assistant"  # noqa: A003
    name = "Docs Assistant"
    instructions = (
        "You are an assistant for answering questions related to the provided context. "
        "Use the following pieces of retrieved context to answer the user's question. "
        "---START OF CONTEXT---\n"
        "---END OF CONTEXT---\n"
    model = "gpt-4o"
    has_rag = True

    def get_retriever(self) -> BaseRetriever:
        return ...  # use a Langchain Retriever here

The rag/ file in the example project shows an example of a RAG-powered AI Assistant that's able to answer questions about Django using the Django Documentation as context.

Support for other types of Primary Key (PK)

You can have Django AI Assistant models use other types of primary key, such as strings, UUIDs, etc. This is useful if you're concerned about leaking IDs that exponse thread count, message count, etc. to the frontend. When using UUIDs, it will prevent users from figuring out if a thread or message exist or not (due to HTTP 404 vs 403).

Here are the files you have to change if you need the ids to be UUID:

import uuid
from django.db.backends.base.operations import BaseDatabaseOperations
from django.db.models import AutoField, UUIDField

BaseDatabaseOperations.integer_field_ranges['UUIDField'] = (0, 0)

class UUIDAutoField(UUIDField, AutoField):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('default', uuid.uuid4)
        kwargs.setdefault('editable', False)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
from django_ai_assistant.apps import AIAssistantConfig

class AIAssistantConfigOverride(AIAssistantConfig):
    default_auto_field = "django_ai_assistant.api.fields.UUIDAutoField"
    # "django_ai_assistant", remove this line and add the one below

Make sure to run migrations after those changes:

python makemigrations
python migrate

For more information, check Django docs on overriding AppConfig.

Further configuration of AI Assistants

You can further configure the AIAssistant subclasses by overriding its public methods. Check the Reference for more information.